393,60€ (VAT included)

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Positive Communication

E-learning | Do it at your own pace!

Communication is the foundation of everything. In this course, we talk about the best communication practices, both in your personal and professional relationships.

What includes:

- Microlearning videos
- Training slides
- Exercises and Assessments
- Diagnostic Tools
- Book suggestions 

Here we talk about:
- Positive Communication
- Nonviolent Communication
- Positive Communication vs Permissive Communication
- How to build rapport
- How to improve communication in the workplace
- Feedback and Feedforward
- How to say 'no' with empathy
- How to adapt the conversation to different profiles
- Written Communication
- Communicate to influence

320€ + VAT (23%)

- Invoice will follow by email after payment.
- In case you prefer to register by wire transfer, please contact us through [email protected]