Employee Solutions
Talk to us
We are on a mission to make your workers... smile.
Through the love of work, employees will increase their performance, reach faster their KPI's and OKR's, become more creative, innovative and, most importantly, to be prouder than ever for feeling part of your organization's solution.
We are here to support you.
Each person is a unique case, so our recommendation is always tailored to the context of each team. Our programs primarily aim to raise awareness and empower each employee for their own happiness and internal motivation. At the Happiness Business School, we believe that happiness is a shared journey in which the company and the employee walk side by side, both being responsible for it.
A few stats:
85% of employees are not engaged in the workplace.
Only 41% of employees are happy most of the time at work.
81% of unhappy employees fake Happiness at Work.
36% of US employees would give up $5,000 a year in salary to be happier at work.
83% of millennials consider work-life balance to be the most important factor in evaluating a potential job.
Employees who report being happy at work take 10 times fewer sick days than unhappy employees.
Our solutions
Aimed at all employees, our workshops aim to practice Positive Psychology between teams.
These workshops have a duration of 4 hours and a maximum of 10 participants. We cover topics such as Mindset for Happiness, Mindfulness, Gratitude, Resilience, Empathy, Leadership, Positive Communication, Emotional Intelligence, or other behavioral competencies that may be relevant within the organization's context.
Online Academy for employees
Through an annual membership, your company can democratize access to happiness and well-being programs for all employees, so they can practice their own motivation and self-leadership, making personal and professional development easy and accessible.
Problems we solve:
- Budget constraints - Face to face training requires a higher budget allocated to online training.
- Lack of time - Many companies have no time to focus on organising traning and most teams have no available time for it.
- Training Requirements - This online platform will help you meet your legal obligations in an easy and affordable manner.
Some companies that have embraced this mission with us.